Wednesday 6 July 2016

T de T: and it's goodnight from him

Time for bed, but just before I slip away, let me remember Rochefort with its old harbour and rope making factory or "Corderie" weith 120 meter long workshops all along the side of  a gravelled yard in stone that looked very much like Greenwich. 

Alas the rope-making museum was not yet open when we arrived 
but they had some nice photos on the wall to show what ropes looked like.
Or perhaps looking round the Cognac museum and discovering that Cognac and Armagniac differ because the latter is distilled only once. Or perhaps the wonderful detours that Stefane would suddenly take off the main roads into beautiful little villages with flowers everywhere and farm animals wandering about without concern, plunging into forests along tiny roads through shade or dappled sunshine. 

I defy you not to misread the name of this vessel!
But the final saddlesore arriving is a real joy - a basic Budget Ibis Hotel with a shower that works and a few moments to get yourself together. Today we then went out into Bergerac, a very old town, with houses that must have been no younger than the 16th century and slender streets with cobbles and gutters down the middle. Lovely little place in the middle of the town to eat, near the bridge over the river Dordogne, Beautiful and memorable evening. Night night.

The swallows were going crazy over the river that evening!
Nery and Karine discuss the finer points of tonight's menu. 

Georg contemplates life in the main square at Martel

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